Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil has been revered for its healing properties for thousands of years. The castor seed is native to India, but castor oil has been part of the healing traditions of a variety of different cultures.

So why use Castor Oil for Fertility?

Castor oil has an anti-inflammatory effect when used topically.

Castor Oil Therapy also stimulates the circulatory system. The lymphatic system is an important part of the circulatory and immune systems. It is basically a large drainage system that keeps all our body fluids in balance, and lymph fluid is full of infection-fighting cells to keep our immune system strong. By increasing circulation, fresh oxygenated blood flows through the abdomen/pelvis and nourishes the reproductive organs – ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus – helping them to properly function.

This circulation can help to shed stagnant tissue and also circulate fresh oxygenated blood to improve the lining for implantation. It also promotes circulation to the ovaries for improved egg quality.

Castor oil can additionally help alleviate symptoms from menstruation, endometriosis, fibroids, and hormonal imbalances!

Applying castor oil packs to the liver can help detoxify the liver, promote relaxation, and facilitate the function of the liver because the liver system, according to Chinese medicine, is responsible for regulation the menstrual cycle and flow of blood.

How to Use Castor Oil Packs

You will need:

  • Quality Castor Oil

  • Castor Wrap or cotton/flannel towel (I like THIS ONE)

  • Plastic wrap if using a towel

  • Heating pad or hot water bottle


  1. Warm the castor oil

  2. Pour some castor oil on the towel/wrap so that it is saturated but not dripping

  3. Place the towel/wrap on the lower abdomen between the belly button and the pubic bone with the castor oil side on the skin (If using the towel, cover with plastic or wrap-around pack to protect your clothing or towels from staining).

    • For liver detox, the proper area is on the right side of the upper abdomen half on the lower ribs and half under the lower ribs

  4. Place the heating pack or hot water bottle on top of the pack

  5. Lie on your back and relax for 30-90 minutes

When you are done, store the flannel in a glass mason jar and store in the fridge for future use. For cleaning, soak in water, baking soda, and a drop of detergent over night.

Friendly Warning: We do not recommend ever ingesting castor oil.

When should you do them?

Castor oil packs should not be done when menstruating.

When Trying to Conceive Naturally:

Starting after your period until ovulation - use daily or every other day on the uterus

From ovulation to your period (follicular phase) - use daily or every other day on the liver

Stop at the time of expected period and/or positive pregnancy test

When Undergoing IVF:

Apply the castor oil pack over the liver during the stimulation-medication phase, as well as after retrieval to detoxify the system after medication

Apply the castor oil pack over the uterus from retrieval to transfer (or if doing an FET, from end of menstruation until transfer)

Stop packs after transfer

Where to Purchase:

I use Lulus Natural castor oil wrap and oil. You can purchase HERE with discount code “ForTheBarreness” to receive 10% off!


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