How to do“Acupressure” at home
We have heard countless times about the benefits of Acupuncture for treating infertility or for greater success during IVF. But what about when we cannot easily get to or afford acupuncture?
Acupressure is an excellent alternative that you can do right in your home! Acupressure comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine, based on the same ideas as acupuncture, but without the needles. It involves applying pressure with the fingers to specific points on the body. The stimulation of these points signals the body to increase circulation and energy to another area of the body.
Science also supports this age-old medicine when it comes to optimizing fertility: recent research revealed that women receiving fertility acupuncture (or activating acupressure points) twice a week for 5 weeks had regulated stress and fertility hormones (namely cortisol and prolactin) thereby improving pregnancy outcomes. Another scientific study showed that acupuncture can help female infertility by improving egg quality and diminished ovarian reserve.
And the best part - doing acupressure on yourself is really simple! We all understand how it can feel good to massage your temples or your jaw when you feel facial tension or when you rub your lower back or abdomen when you have menstrual cramps, but you may not realize that you are performing acupressure in those moments.
Acupressure Points for Fertility
Here’s how you do it: once you have your specific points chosen, you are going to apply direct finger pressure to each area. Apply enough pressure so that it hurts in a good way. You are going to apply this pressure to each point for 1-2 minutes, on each side of the body. I like to apply direct pressure on the point while moving my finger in a clockwise motion to really activate the pressure point and give you the most benefit.
Kidney 16: This point is located on the abdomen, directly in line with the belly button. It is found about ½ inch to both the left and the right of the belly button. This point is a powerful crossing point of the Kidney meridian (which impacts egg health and quality) and the Chong meridian (which is what nourishes the eggs in your ovaries to grow and mature properly).
Liver 3: This point is located on the top of your foot, in the webbing between the first and second toe. This point will be super sore when you massage it with acupressure. Do NOT do this point if you might be pregnant!Only do acupressure on this point during your follicular/ovulation phase of your cycle if you’re TTC. This spot is great to help regulate the menstrual cycle, relieve depression, calm anxiety and induce ovulation.
Zi Gong Xue: Another to NOT use if you might be pregnant. Only do this during the follicular/ovulation phase of your cycle if you’re TTC. This point is located on your lower abdomen, a hands-width below the belly button and another hands-width lateral to this on either side of the stomach; it’s basically located right over where your ovaries are. This point will optimize your fertility, balance your hormones, release blocks (structural and emotional) in your reproductive organs and is one used often with fertility treatments (such as IUI or IVF) to help make your uterus a hospitable environment for higher success rates with getting and staying pregnant.
Spleen 6: This point is located on the inner part of your lower leg/calf, it’s about four finger-widths above the inner ankle bone. Do NOT do this if you might be pregnant, only during the follicular/ovulation phase of your cycle if you’re TTC. This is a very popular acupuncture point for regulating the menstrual cycle, nourishing your blood and yin (key components to healthy eggs and uterine lining) and boosting fertility. It’s a very special point for optimizing the health and fertility of your uterus and ovaries.
Acupressure Mats
The main idea is that we have 12 channels, or meridians, that run all throughout our body – front and back, in the ears, on the top of the head, down the limbs, soles of the feet, etc. The meridians are there to facilitate a free flow of energy through these channels to bring balance to the body. The benefit of acupressure mats is that they access many points at once, essentially waking up the meridian system. This can help get energy moving and improve circulation.
I like the Kanjo Mat - I simply lay on the mat a few times a week for 15-20 minutes and feel SO relaxed afterward. I specifically have the mat and pillow set. Use Discount Code “ForTheBarreness” to receive 10% off!`