My Story

My name is Meg, I live in California with my husband and our sweet dog, Tonks. As of July, 2023, I have experienced five miscarriage, two from tested embryos. I have had several egg retrievals, transfer cycles, a hysterectopy, and gone through countless tests, procedures, and consultations. I do not have a living child.

I have been diagnosed with endometriosis, adenomyosis, a Müllerian anomaly, MTHFR mutation, and sjogrens syndrome.

I struggled to find anyone in my real world that understood this level of grief or could support me through my journey - but I knew there must be so many people our there feeling like myself. So I created “For The Barreness” as a way to cope with my own feelings of loss, loneliness, and isolation while going through my infertility journey.

I began with an instagram page (@for_the _barreness) and found that there were thousand of people, just like myself, with a story to tell. If we could only hear more stories from people going through similar struggles and feeling similarly to ourselves, we might all feel a little less alone.

Struggling with infertility can be one of the most isolating experiences a person ever goes through. Even when surrounded by other people, it is the loneliest you might ever feel. This space has been created so that we can all feel better connected to one another and know they we not alone in their feelings - big and small.

I since created this website as a way to highlight stories, interview fellow infertility warriors, and share tips, tools, and resources. For the Barreness is for anyone that has found challenges in their pathway to parenthood!

Want to share your story?

How To Submit:

  1. Email

  2. Include your full name and the name you would like used for the publication

  3. Include a brief bio (in 3-5 sentences)

  4. Include a photo (required, but does not need to be of yourself, as long as you have ownership of the photo - something to go with the theme of the post)

  5. Include any Instagram handles you would like included (optional)

  6. Attached your story as a Word Document

For Interview Format:

  1. Email

  2. Include your full name and the name you would like used for the publication

  3. Tell us a little about your journey so that we can create questions for you!

By submitting to “For the Barreness”, you agree to the following terms:

  • All writing must be original writings by the author. We do not accept submissions that are not provided by the author. (Stories can be published elsewhere, as long as those other publications permit the sharing of the story, but must be submitted by the original writer).

  • Writing cannot be used to sell or promote a business or product. 

  • For the Barreness cannot verify medical facts or information. Any medical information will include a note at the bottom to this affect. 

  • By submitting writing, you give “For the Barrness” permission to use the writing on the Blog, Newsletter, and in Social Media. 

  • All submissions are voluntary and unpaid.

Help Support Meg

I have an Etsy shop where I sell bookmarks and other fun “bookish” gifts. All proceeds help cover the cost of my infertility treatments. I hope you will check it out!